Sunday, March 22, 2009

Share and Voice 6: World Water Day

Hey Everyone!

I was just checking out youtube today and stumbled across this video. Apperently today(March 22nd) is World Water Day. I didn't know that! I really liked this video and I wanted to share with the class because it is related to the last videos we've watched, Water Privatization and Thirst. Here is the website that's promoting this video:

Thanks for watching!


  1. Wow this was really eye-opening! That's so sad that they have to work for such brown dirty water! Great video=)

  2. Whoa this video is really amazing! So moving to see these children and adults suffering .... GREAT FIND!

  3. Valerie, this as amazing!! Thank you for sharing it with us. It increases our awareness about what is being done and how we can help. Great post!

  4. Great post!
    The video is very effective and informational! I had never heard of World Water Day before so thanks for sharing this!

  5. oh my goodness...this is probably the coolest, most shocking video I have seen. I cannot believe what I saw and read in that video. Some things that stuck out to me were that unclean water kills more than war and that the average lifespan is 39 years in Africa. This is so sad. I also had no idea that the drinking water was really brown. That is horrible. Thank you so much for sharing this video with us, it was extremely eye opening!!!!
