I chose to do do my eye opener on
Score Your Diet. Mostly because I was curious to find out what my score would be, and also to find out where I need the most improvement regarding my diet. After I entered my servings of each a certain category of food I eat per week I found some outrageous numbers! According to the website 60+ is excellent. 15-59 is good. I didn't even get up to 15 at any column.
The food category I scored the highest at was veggies, beans/nuts totaling up to 9. I was surprised because I eat more servings of chicken/turkey each week. I scored lowest at the beef category putting me at a -5. I don’t really know why I scored that low. I’m guessing it’s because beef is not considered that healthy, especially the chemically grown ones, w
hich I can’t distinguish grass fed beef and chemically fed beef. I found out that I need the most improvement at the Environmental section. This didn’t surprise me because unfortunately I don’t really think about the environment much when it comes to choosing my diet. The first thing that always comes to mind is my health, even though I don’t always do well with that either. I am going to try and look for the grass fed beef when I go to the grocery and buy that instead even though it might be more expensive.
These results were kind of an eye opener for me about my diet. I think I need to be more considerate about what I eating; focusing on the long-term effects rather than just because I am hungry and want to eat a specific type of food. I definitely need to keep the environment in mind when it comes to my food choices, since I scored so low on that column.