I can't believe we're almost done with the school year! The past two weeks have once again been more relaxed than I thought they would.
We started week 13 by watching a short video called the "Story of Stuff" by Annie Leonard. It was a funny yet educative video. We also had to write the Issue Overview of our Advocacy Project. I thought it was going to be a really challenging assignment, but once I started working on it, it just came to me easily. While working on this assignment, I learned more about my issue. Which is: there are plenty of people in this country with no health coverage due low income. The goal is for everyone to receive access to quality health care services.
We got to go to Bagley Nature Area during week 13 also. It was a fun learning experience, we got a chance to be adventurous, walking trough woods, and learning how to track our steps . Even though I had no idea what I was doing I still fun.
During week 14 we had a guest speaker named Raelene Horvik, a graduate student in UMD's Environmental Health and Safety Master's Program. He talked about his experience working as in the field of Environmental Health, and also explained about the opportunities with focusing on Environmental health as your field of study. We also had a chance to write a letter to our political representative explaining our issue briefly and asking them to vote "yes" on the bill supporting our advocacy project.
I didn't get a chance to go to class on Thursday during week 14, but looking at the calender, we were going to work on a "Repurposing" activity and have a "Junk Competition". I am sure it was a lot of fun, sucks that I couldn't make it.
I can't believe we only have two weeks left, I am looking forward to it and can't wait school is over. Have a great weekend!
Thanks for reading!
We got to go to Bagley Nature Area during week 13 also. It was a fun learning experience, we got a chance to be adventurous, walking trough woods, and learning how to track our steps . Even though I had no idea what I was doing I still fun.
During week 14 we had a guest speaker named Raelene Horvik, a graduate student in UMD's Environmental Health and Safety Master's Program. He talked about his experience working as in the field of Environmental Health, and also explained about the opportunities with focusing on Environmental health as your field of study. We also had a chance to write a letter to our political representative explaining our issue briefly and asking them to vote "yes" on the bill supporting our advocacy project.
I didn't get a chance to go to class on Thursday during week 14, but looking at the calender, we were going to work on a "Repurposing" activity and have a "Junk Competition". I am sure it was a lot of fun, sucks that I couldn't make it.
I can't believe we only have two weeks left, I am looking forward to it and can't wait school is over. Have a great weekend!
Thanks for reading!