Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Share and Voice: Organic Foods

Hey Everyone!

Dr. V mentioned in class on Tuesday that info on organic foods would be a good idea for a share and voice, so I figured since I’m behind with the share and voice I might as well do it. Thanks for the idea Dr. V!

Here’s a definition of Organic Foods
from Wikipedia:

Organic foods are made according to certain production standards, meaning they are grown without the use of conventional pesticides and artificial fertilizers, free from contamination by human or industrial waste, and processed without irradiation or food additives.[1] If livestock are involved, they must be reared without the routine use of antibiotics and without the use of growth hormones, and generally fed a healthy diet. In most countries, organic produce may not be genetically modified.

Here are websites with more info on organic food.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Nice job! Other things to note...

    In the U.S., there are 3 levels of organic, and different words on labels mean different things.

    100% organic = 100% organic ingredients.
    Organic = at least 95% organic ingredients.
    Made with organic ingredients = at least 70% organic ingredients.

  2. Nice post valerie! I wasn't very sure about what made foods organic or inorganic, but now I am...Thanks!

  3. Val,

    It is good to see you took the intiative and research what it is to be an organic food. Here is a quote that stood out to me.

    From the website
    "Did you know that if you consumed an average apple you would be eating over 30 pesticides, even after you have washed it?"

    The quote of what is a Gentically Modified Orgainism from Wikipedia did help me to understand what that means exactly.

  4. Good Idea Valerie!

    I never knew the formal definition of organic...and I had no idea that there were three levels of organic!
    I just assumed if it said organic then it was organic, thanks for the heads up=)
