Thursday, April 16, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 11 & 12

Hello everyone!

I hope everyone enjoyed the weather this past week like i did. It finally feels like Spring! :), my favorite season of course....:). Anyways, I also enjoyed the past two weeks in class. There weren't as intense as I expected, so that was definitely a plus since all my other classes were demanding.

During week 11 we watched video titled "Unnatural Causes...Is Inequality Making Us Sick?". This is a four-hour documentary that explored some racial and socioeconomic bias in health. I was so interested I actually decided to check out it form the library and watch other parts that I found interesting since we only got to watch part one "In sickness and in Wealth." I was moved by the the facts in this video because I've never thought of our society the way the video portrayed it. One thing that moved me the most in this video was the correlation of health and race in American society. It mentioned that wealthy people live longer healthier lives since they have less stress, considering that they have easier access to resources. I thought this fact applied to everyone, but unfortunately the video also revealed that African Americans would live shorter lives regardless if they're wealthy. I couldn't help but think of myself in because I relate to the African American society group the most in America. I could go into details about this, but I think you guys get the picture. :)

The main focus of week 12 was basically about solutions and improvements in the "environmentally-friendly world". We worked on our second Advocacy Project assignment called "Healthy People Thomas". We had to pick a topic that we will later advocate on as the semester comes to an end. My topic of choice is Access to Quality to Health Care Services. I am hoping to learn a lot from this topic by the research I will do, and also be able to promote the goal well enough to my political representatives.

Have a great weekend, and I hope the weather is going to be as nice as today.


  1. Great post Valerie! I also loved the documentary that we watched during week 11. I think that it is so great that you liked the documentary so much, that you checked it out in the library and watched other sections of it. That really shows your dedication to learn! I also see that you wrote a Share and Voice on what you watched, so I am excited to read all about it. I am glad that you are so excited about this advocacy project. I am a little nervous, but I am sure that we will all do great! Keep up the great work!!!

  2. Nice post Valerie! I enjoyed that documentary as well. Makes you think about how it seems unfair that people with less wealth are more prone to health illness conditions. Kind of bothers me to think that something like wealth can determine your life expectancy.

  3. Great post Valerie, I really like how you opened up to how you related personally to the video and some of the facts that surround this topic. I just might have to follow in your footsteps and check out the video from the library and take a look a bit more into that whole concept. I am also looking forward to what you find out about your advocacy project and what you will write about...I always really enjoy your posts because they challenge my thinking and open my eyes in different ways. So thank you for that :) Keep up the great work!
